Change Management

This revolves on adjusting people to the new system, teachers, upper management and parents. 


The first and most important of the change management is to make sure that the teachers are informed and know how to teach others how to use the system. Older teachers might be resistant to change its important to lead them through everything on the new system.

There should probably be meetings to properly introduce the new system and should be done as many times as needed.

Upper Management

The principle and anyone higher up the food chain won’t have to deal with the new system directly but they will have to have a basic information of the new grade sheets.

There shouldn’t be as much of a struggle teaching them the new system since they just need to learn how to read the new way the documents.


Parents should just be informed of the new grading format. They shouldn’t be too hard to convince on the new grade system because it should give them faster results then waiting for the paper sheets and journals.