Human Resourse Plan


Somerset, Chace Street Public School
Has a large number of teachers, teacher’s aides, specialty teachers, and students. This project is in place to help teachers improve their grading sheets and make them easily sharable.


strengths: Teacher’s dedication to teach and improve their methods for their students and the parent’s piece of mind.
weaknesses: communication and the constant need to bring in more staff to deal with the amount of students
opportunities: implementing the new grade book system will help improve the grading sheets that are easier to share with other teachers and parents
threats: After implementing the new system it could quickly become obsolete. 


We’ll have to be prepared and tell them to touch base with us whenever the system could use improvements or changes. Be expected to need to make slight changes every 2 years or if there is a major change in technology to have to start over from the beginning with a new project.


Be prepared to have to be in consent contact with the schools and have to charge a slight fee should any problems regarding grading system changes or technology advancements.