PIER(Project Implmentation Evaluation Report)

This is a report on how the implementation of the new grade book for Chace Street Elementary did.

Executive Summery

Chace Street Elementary approached our company explaining that they needed a new way to grade their students because their current way of grading wasn’t working and they needed to update the system.

Project Objectives

  • A new grade book system that…
    • is shareable among staff and parents
    • allows for different types of grading(%, numbers, letters)
    • easy to track student’s and class’s progress
  • Workshops to help get teachers used to the new system

Project History and Timeline

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As the project reached the ending half of trying to create a document version of the grade book we ran into a couple of snags. This was fixed by having a backup explanation on how not to break the document should they choose that version.

Customer Expectations

We’ve managed to supply great customer service. Our clients were very satisfied and grateful for all the work the communication team put into helping them get acquainted with the new system. We gave as many teachers as possible what they needed not only how to use the system but how to teach new people in the future how to use the system.

Project Results

In the implementation stage we got pushed back a couple of days due to some people not being available for certain workshops. Overall, we’ve managed to not go over budget. Meaning that we were able to deliver the quality of services we were planning to deliver.