Team Contract

Team StructureTeam ProcedureTeam ParticipationPersonal AccountabilityConsequencesCertification
Head of Project:Taylor Cabral
Phone Number: 555-444-2222

Chace Street Clients
Preschool Teacher: Tricia Cabral
Phone Number: 333-222-4444

Meeting Agenda: When the teacher is available sometime past 5pm.

Records and Hours: Meeting times will be recorded try not to have the meetings go over an hour as the project goes on in later stages to not inconvenience the teachers.

Absence: In the event clients or team members are unavailable for a meeting, the client and team members must reschedule as soon as they are able to.

Strategies: Teams need to be patient but also straightforward with the client to get straight to the issues because of the limited timeframe the clients have available. Try and keep constant contact with the client so even if they are unable to meet you at the moment the team will be able to meet with the client asap.
Attendance: Attendance is mandatory for the agreed upon times unless otherwise stated. If meeting times are to change, the opposing party must be notified ahead of time.

Communication: Both parties are encouraged to discuss open possibilities with one another only pertaining to the subject of the project during meeting hours to encourage productivity. Both parties are also encouraged to message each other pertaining things about the project they don’t understand outside of meeting hours.

Breach of Contract:
If either party breaches the contract, after three infractions the contract concerning the project will be considered null and void. At that point and time, all matters pertaining to the project will immediately be ceased.
In appending your electronic signatures below, you are stating that
a) You participated in formulating the standards, roles, and procedures of this contract;

b) You have agreed to abide by these terms and conditions of this contract;

c) You understand that you will be subject to the consequences specified in the “Consequences” tab and may be subject to termination of the project in the event that you do not fulfill the terms of this contract.

Team Signature: Taylor Cabral

Client Signature: Tricia Cabral